How-To Documents
If you do not see an article for your specific question, please visit the Brightspace Higher Education Instructor Knowledge Base.
Course Migration from Blackboard
- Migration Methods - Pros & Cons
- Migration at a Glance
- Clean Up & Prep Blackboard Course for Migration
- Export a Course Package from Blackboard
- Import a Course Package into Brightspace
- Migrate using K-16 Solutions
- Post-Migration Clean Up with K-16 Solutions
- Post-Migration Checklist
- Clean Up Brightspace Sandbox After Export-Import Migration
Support & Navigation
- Find Brightspace Training (D2L1000) in Compass
- Faculty Support Flowchart
- Glossary of Terms (with Blackboard equivalent)
- Glossary of Icons
- Navigate a Course Home Page
- Use the Course Navigation (Nav) Bar
Course Site Access and Management
- Log in to Brightspace
- Create a Sandbox Course
- Request a Department (Resource) Site
- Add People (Participants) and Select Roles
- Access a Self-Enroll Site
- Combine Courses
- Incompletes in Brightspace
Gen1070 Courses
eTenure Sites
- Request eTenure Site
- eTenure Portfolio Migration Options
- eTenure FAQ
- Submitting Your eTenure Portfolio
- Faculty Promotion and Tenure Webpage
Course Copy, Import, & Export
- Copy/Import Entire Course from Brightspace
- Copy/Import Select Items from Brightspace
- Copy a Quiz from Brightspace
Build a Brightspace Course
- Build from Scratch: Getting Started
- Create a Course Banner
- Course Banner Template
- Use the Course Builder Tool
- Use Document Templates
- Add Availability and Due Dates to Content
- Create a Rubric
- Upload Files to Provide Alternative Formats
- Create Quicklinks
- Create Student Exemptions
- Build Intelligent Agents
- Delete Course Content
Discussion Boards
- Discussion Boards: Getting Started
- Discussion Boards: Creating
- Discussion Boards: Editing
- Discussion Boards: Participating and Grading
- Create a Quiz
- Quiz Question Types
- Copy a Quiz from one Course to Another
- Export Tests from Blackboard & Import into Brightspace
- Grant Extra Time Accommodation
- Create Bonus (Extra Credit) Questions
- Create a Bonus (Extra Credit) Quiz
Grades and the Gradebook
- Gradebook: Using the Setup Wizard
- Set up Weighted Grades
- Set Automatic Zeroes for Missing Submissions
- Create a Grade Book Item (Column)
- Create Bonus (Extra Credit) Items
- Turn Final Grade Visibility On/Off for Students
- View Student Grade History (via Event Log)
- View Grades and Data of Unenrolled Students
- Delete Grade Categories and Items
Third Party Tools
- Access 3rd Party Applications in Brightspace
- Add to Brightspace
- Mediasite: Add a Mediasite Link to Brightspace
- Mediasite: Update Mediasite Links Created prior to 08/11/2024
- Mediasite: Add a Mediasite Quiz Link and Edit Points
- Mediasite: Add a Channel to Brightspace
- Playposit: Use PlayPosit in Brightspace
- Publisher: Pairing Third-Party Publisher Content with Brightspace
- Respondus 4.1: Add Respondus 4.0/4.1 Tests to Brightspace
- Softchalk: Link Softchalk Lessons
- Turnitin: Use TurnItIn in Brightspace
- Webex: Add the Webex Tool Link
- Webex: Record Webex and Upload Mediasite Link