Blackboard Learn Tools and Resources for Faculty
Access to Blackboard will end on May 13. Please migrate, export, or archive all of your Blackboard courses and content before May 13. If you have questions about incompletes, grade disputes, or extensions email the Online Learning & Academic Technology department:
Blackboard Learn was the Learning Management System (LMS) used to house course materials online.
Starting in Spring 2025 all courses will be taught in D2L's Brightspace instead of Blackboard.
Blackboard Learn Links
Blackboard Learn Training Sessions
Several training sessions for Blackboard Learn are available, from the Boot Camp for new users to advanced features for experienced users. Search the term "Blackboard" in the Faculty Development Calendar or Compass (formerly TEC) to find upcoming sessions.
It is possible to upload several different file formats into Blackboard Learn. Please be careful to not violate copyright laws when using any Tri-C platform. For more information visit OLAT's Copyright/License Creation page. For information on copyright and fair usage in education, please visit the website.