Tri-C Alert:Due to extreme cold temperaturesall college campuses and facilities will be closed Tuesday, Jan. 21 and Wednesday Jan. 22. All classes, activities, and events are canceled.
Whether you want to earn a degree, improve your skills, get certified, train for a new career, or explore a new hobby, you can choose from many programs and courses.
Explore your interests and find a program that puts you on the path to a bright future. Tri-C offers both credit and non-credit courses as well as certificate programs in most career fields.
More than 1,000 credit courses are offered each semester in more than 200 career and technical programs. Tri-C also grants short-term certificates, certificates of proficiency and post-degree professional certificates.
Tri-C's Workforce Training provides both non-credit and credit training for individuals and businesses to assist individuals with skills leading to employment. Tri-C's Corporate College provides professional development and corporate training opportunities.
Tri-C offers a variety of affordable and convenient community programs for both adults and youth. These programs are designed to promote individual development.
Submit a free online application. Once your application is processed, you will receive an email with your student ID number and instructions on how to log into your student portal in my Tri-C space.
Visit to learn more about education and training benefits. Most students use VA form 22-1990. If you are eligible for benefits, you must obtain a certificate of eligibility (COE), which you will need to submit to Tri-C.
Note: If there is a change in education plan, such as a change in major, you must resubmit a COE to your campus certifying official or your veteran center campus representative.
Any soldier planning to use FTA (TA) funding must receive authorization from the ESO prior to enrolling.
This form must be submitted to a campus certifying official before each semester that you wish to use benefits. It is ideal to submit this form as soon as possible to ensure proper documentation for payment. You may fill out the GI Bill® certification form after logging in with your Tri-C account.
Note: Dependents and members of Reserve forces using military benefits will need to make payment arrangements when registering, since these benefits are paid to the student and not the College.
Any soldier planning to use FTA (TA) funding must receive authorization from the ESO prior to enrolling.
You may be eligible to receive a federal Pell grant on top of your military benefits. Visit and click "Start Here" to fill out your FAFSA and find out.
If you plan on applying for scholarships, you must first fill out your FAFSA. After you have done so, you may apply for scholarships. Keep in mind; these types of aid can alter how you use your military benefits by extending available time or reducing benefits. It is important to discuss pros and cons with your campus certifying official or veteran center campus representative before accepting scholarships.
View our submission procedures and important addresses for information on how and where to submit transcripts. Include military transcripts in addition to official high school and college transcripts. Military transcripts can be obtained as follows:
Air Force veterans should visit the Community College of the Air Force website. Other service members should contact Joint Service Transcript [JST]. (Note this site is a certificate/military site blocker - no reason to worry). If you attended a Department of Defense school, be sure to request those transcripts from that institution as well.
Service members still on Active Duty or serving in the Reserves need to receive approval from their Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor within their Military Service prior to enrolling at Tri-C regarding the transfer of credits and course alignment with their selected degree.
Most students will need to take Math and English placement tests. This does not impact your ability to attend but does determine your starting point, and may impact when you can enroll in courses.
To avoid certification issues, meet with an academic counselor to make sure the courses you take will apply toward your degree and are in line with your course sequence. If you are a new student, you will need to attend New Student Orientation.
You can register through your my Tri-C space portal. You and your academic counselor will have established a recommended sequence of courses. Veterans at Tri-C have priority registration, providing an opportunity to request classes as soon as registration opens.
SAS provides accommodations as warranted for Tri-C students with physical or mental barriers. All matters relating to students’ disabilities are kept confidential. Learn more about SAS to explore the services they offer.
Take advantage of the many resources Tri-C has to offer. Some of these include:
Veteran-Specific Math Tutoring (Contact Nicholas Nunez; see contact info at the bottom of this page)
Benefits will be awarded based on start date of term session and total credits. The VA’s definition of Full Time does not always align with Tri-C or Financial Aid.
“Full time” minimum course load, for VA education benefits, is as follows:
12 credit hours for 16 week terms
10 credit hours for 14 week terms
6 credit hours for 8 week terms
7 credit hours for 10 week terms
4 credit hours for 5 week terms
For Example:
Student Veteran R. Smith started one 16 week class on Jan 14. On January 28, R. Smith picked up several 14 week classes, bumping the schedule up to full time statusonly at the start of the 14 week session.
If Student Veteran R. Smith is using Post 9/11, he will only receive the housing allowance dated to the beginning of the 14 week term, as the housing allowance is not paid to students below half time status.
If Student Veteran R. Smith is using other VA education benefits, he will receive a combination of part time and full time rates (full time rate dating to the date his schedule was officially full time).