Course Delivery

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Where can I get more information on curriculum-related topics?
Schedule an appointment with your counselor for more information on these topics.
Whether you want to earn a degree, improve your skills, get certified, train for a new career, or explore a new hobby, you can choose from many programs and courses.
Explore your interests and find a program that puts you on the path to a bright future. Tri-C offers both credit and non-credit courses as well as certificate programs in most career fields.
More than 1,000 credit courses are offered each semester in more than 200 career and technical programs. Tri-C also grants short-term certificates, certificates of proficiency and post-degree professional certificates.
Tri-C's Workforce Training provides both non-credit and credit training for individuals and businesses to assist individuals with skills leading to employment. Tri-C's Corporate College provides professional development and corporate training opportunities.
Tri-C offers a variety of affordable and convenient community programs for both adults and youth. These programs are designed to promote individual development.
Tri-C is here for you. Have a question about a program or service? We'll help you find the answer.
Outside of business hours? Get answers to your questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Get answers to your frequently asked questions from navigating the website to programs and services.
Tri-C offers a variety of online and blended degree and certificate programs, including some that can be completed either 100% or more than 50% online. Degree and certificate courses offer credit toward a degree, while professional development courses may apply toward post-graduate or workforce training certificates. Click here to learn more about online degree and certificate options.
These fully online courses have no set meeting times but may have scheduled online or in-person proctored exams.
Title | Course Details | Credit Hours | CRN | Meeting Times | Part of Term | Course Information |
Basic Arithmetic and Pre-Algebra | MATH 0910 | 3.0 | 80341 | 8/28/23 - 12/17/23 | 16-Week Session | Online / Asynchronous |
Virtual Meetings
These fully online courses required attendance in virtual meetings on the days and times listed.
Title | Course Details | Credit Hours | CRN | Meeting Times | Part of Term | Course Information |
Intermediate Accounting I | ACCT 2310 | 4.0 | 82419 | 8/28/23 - 12/17/23 Sat. 10 a.m. - 1:20 p.m. |
16-Week Session | Virtual Meetings |
Blended: On-Campus Requirement
These blended courses require both on-campus and online/asynchronous participation.
Students attend classes on campus for XX% of the time. The remaining content is delivered
online. The days and times for the in-person classes are listed.
Example: Blended: Campus 25%/Online 75%
These blended courses require both on-campus and online/asynchronous participation. Students attend classes on campus for 25% of the time. The remaining content is delivered online. The days and times for the in-person sessions are listed.
Title | Course Details | Credit Hours | CRN | Meeting Times | Part of Term | Course Information |
Anatomy and Physiology I | BIO 2331 | 4.0 | 81493 | 9/11/23 - 12/17/23 Wed. 5:35-6:30 p.m. Westshore Liberal Arts & Tech, 222 |
14-Week Session | Blended: Campus 25% / Online 75% |
Blended: Virtual Meeting Requirement
These blended courses require virtual meeting sessions and online/asynchronous
participation. Students participate in virtual meetings XX% of the time. The remaining
content is delivered online. The days and times for the virtual meeting sessions are listed.
Example: Blended: Virtual Meetings 75%/Online 25%
These blended courses require virtual meeting sessions and online/asynchronous participation. Students participate in virtual meetings 75% of the time. The remaining content is delivered online. The days and times for the virtual meeting sessions are listed.
Title | Course Details | Credit Hours | CRN | Meeting Times | Part of Term | Course Information |
Beginning Spanish Language and Cultures I | SPAN 1001 | 4.0 | 81283 | 9/11/23 - 12/17/23 Tues., Thurs. 12-1:50 p.m. |
14-Week Session | Blended: Virtual Meetings 75% / Online 25% |
Campus: All Meetings on Campus
Classes meet on campus at set meeting times. May also require access to web-based resources
or supplemental materials. Day(s), time, building and room number listed on schedule.
Title | Course Details | Credit Hours | CRN | Meeting Times | Part of Term | Course Information |
Beginning Algebra | MATH 0955 | 6.0 | 82863 | 9/11/23 - 12/15/23 Mon., Wed., 6-8:45 p.m. Metro Liberal Arts, 214 |
14-Week Session | Campus: All Meetings On-Campus |
Competency-Based Online
Competency-based online courses allow students to work at their own pace with faculty support.
Title | Course Details | Credit Hours | CRN | Meeting Times | Part of Term | Course Information |
Cisco I Combined Schedule Type Mode | EET 1303 | 3.0 | 16307 | 1/16/2024 - 5/12/2024 | 16-Week Session | Online: Competency Based Course |
Where can I get more information on curriculum-related topics?
Schedule an appointment with your counselor for more information on these topics.