Educational Talent Search
Educational Talent Search (ETS) is a federally-funded pre-college program created in 1965 as part of the Higher Education Act and has been a part of Cuyahoga Community College since 1968. Its design and purpose are to provide the skills and motivation necessary for students in grades 6-12 to complete a program of secondary education and to enter and succeed in a program of post-secondary education of their choice. Participants receive a variety of free services and participate in scholastic, cultural, and enrichment activities.
Program Services
Academic Services
- Academic Advising
- ACT/SAT/PSAT Test Preparation
- Ohio State Test Preparation
- Study Skills Workshops
- Personal Development
- Summer Enrichment Program
- Tutoring
- Mentoring
Career Information Services
- Career Counseling, Fairs, and Exploration
- College Admissions Assistance
- College Fairs and Tours
- Financial Aid Counseling and Application Assistance
- Scholarship Information
ETS Advisors and Liaisons
ETS Advisors meet with students throughout the school year and provide counseling, academic, and career workshop sessions that serve to empower students in developing educational and career goals. Students are rewarded with increased confidence, motivation and a brighter outlook toward the future.
ETS Instructional Assistants
ETS Instructional Assistants meet with students throughout the school year and provide academic support in Math, Science, or English to students enrolled in a pre-college program utilizing education software and programming. Instructional Assistants work directly with students assisting in one-on-one, small group, and classroom settings. They support the ETS objectives and initiatives as directed.
ETS and Parents
ETS believes that parents and guardians play an important role in their child's educational and career development. The program strongly encourages parental and guardian support. Educational Talent Search newsletters keep families and students informed of educational and career topics, success stories, and upcoming events and activities.
ETS Mission
The mission of ETS/CCC is to continue to generate in low-income, potential first-generation college students, the skills and motivation necessary to complete secondary education and to enter and succeed in a program of postsecondary education of their choice.
ETS Vision
The vision of ETS is to inform, encourage, and inspire students to move from their present situation to their ultimate destination—educated, talented individuals able to contribute to their own quality of life and their families, as well as to contribute to their local, regional, and national citizenry.
ETS Goals
Assisting participants with:
- Staying in school
- Graduating from high school
- Completing a postsecondary course of study.
Currently Served Schools
- Scranton Elementary School
- Wade Park Elementary School
- John Adams High School
- Lincoln-West High School
- East Tech High School
- James F. Rhodes High School