Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Pathways

The Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Pathways (OGTPs) enable students to streamline credit transfer among the state's public institutions of higher education to find the best pathways to degree completion and launch successful careers. These transfer pathways are agreed upon between Ohio public community colleges and four-year institutions and confirm Tri-C courses meet major preparation requirements and credits will apply toward a bachelor’s degree.

Tri-C Current Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Pathways
More Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Pathways Coming Soon!
Visit Ohio Department of Higher Education for more details.
Four-Year OGTP School Options
Click the major link below to see the schools that offer a bachelor degree completion pathway. Page down and select the Major and then click on the search button to see the complete list. These pathways at the four-year schools are updated by the Ohio Department of Higher Education as they are approved, so check back often if you do not see a pathway to the school you desire.