Practical Nursing Certificate

Area of Study: Nursing
Degree/Certificate: Certificate of Proficiency in Practical Nursing
Academic School: Nursing and Health Professions
Contact the Financial Aid Office regarding certificate eligibility.
Program Admission Requirements:
The nursing curriculum is presented as a career ladder and concept-based curriculum, designed to improve nursing career mobility. The nursing program at Tri-C provides a seamless progression from nurse aide certification to practical nurse certification to the Associate Degree in Applied Science in Nursing. Students who successfully complete the first year of the program will be awarded a Certificate of Proficiency in Practical Nursing. They are also eligible to sit for the NCLEX-PN exam to work in practical nursing while they continue in the program. To obtain this certificate, all nursing students will need to seek admission to the two year Associate of Applied Science Degree Program in Nursing. All students are admitted using a common admission criteria.
Note: The previous Practical Nursing, standalone one-year certificate program, is no longer admitting students. All nursing students must apply to the Associate of Applied Science Degree Program.