Application Process
All requirements for admission into the Dental Hygiene Program must be met before applying to the program. Once all of the admission requirements have been met and a COMPLETE application is received, a letter of acceptance with projected starting date will be emailed to the applicant. Applicants are encouraged to submit an application as soon as admission requirements are complete to receive the next available class seat. Incomplete applications may be returned and delay admission. It is critical, as a potential health care provider to follow directions accurately. A COMPLETE application includes the following:
- Completion of a Cuyahoga Community College Application. It may be done on line. Do this before you submit any transcripts.
- Completion of the Health Career/Dental Hygiene Program Application*. The completed Health Careers Application is sent to: Cuyahoga Community College, 2900 Community College Avenue, MHCS 126_F, Cleveland, OH 44115. Do not send incomplete applications. All pre-requisite courses and observation must be completed.
Completed Application includes the following:
+Health Careers Application
+Copy of High School Transcript or High School Diploma or GED
+Tri-C DegreeWorks Report or transcript indicating completion of transferred and CORE Courses
+Official college transcripts from institutions other than Tri-C indicating completion of CORE courses and grades awarded and attendance dates.
+Application Worksheet
Do NOT submit an application unless it is complete. Incomplete applications will be returned.
- Completion of the Health Career/Dental Hygiene Program Application*. The completed Health Careers Application is sent to: Cuyahoga Community College, 2900 Community College Avenue, MHCS 126_F, Cleveland, OH 44115. Do not send incomplete applications. All pre-requisite courses and observation must be completed.
- Submission of an official high school transcript and /or GED transcript. Request the high school or GED office to forward one (1) official transcript directly to Cuyahoga Community College Office of the Registrar at PO Box 5966, Cleveland, OH 44101 and one (1) to you so that you can submit with your completed application packet.
- If you have attended colleges or universities OTHER than Tri-C, request the institution/s to forward one (1) to YOU so that YOU can submit with your completed application packet. Once received, Office of the Registrar, requires 1-2 weeks to evaluate transcripts.
- Completion of the following CORE courses (or transfer of comparable courses from another college or university) with a 3.0 GPA.
ENG-1010 College Composition I
PSY-1010 General Psychology
BIO- 1100 Introduction to Biological Chemistry
BIO-2331 Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO-2341 Anatomy and Physiology II
It is recommended that all science courses must have been completed within the past five years.
English and Psychology courses may be repeated once to improve a grade.
Only one (1) science course may be repeated once to improve a grade.
A 'W' (Withdrawal) is counted as an attempt.
CORE courses for Dental Hygiene Program must be completed with a “C” or better to reflect a CORE GPA of 3.0.
Overall GPA must be at least a 2.75.
5. Successful completion of Tri-C authorized background check within six months of beginning the program, fingerprinting and Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) records search. BCI Guidelines for Dental Hygiene
If you have attended an institution other than Cuyahoga Community College:
Apply to Tri-C Enrollment Center, 2900 Community College Ave, Cleveland, OH 44115. Request all official transcripts be forwarded from previously attended institutions (NOT Cuyahoga Community College) to: Cuyahoga Community College, Office of the Registrar, PO Box 5966 Cleveland, OH 44101-0966.
Felony for Forgery Statement: Due to the increase rise in patient identity theft, students with a convicted felony for forgery will not be accepted into a health career program.