By-Pass Credit
By-Pass (BYP) credit is awarded for achieving competence equivalent to a course or sequence of courses needed to fulfill an academic degree requirement. Before submitting CPL request for By-Pass Credit, review the Official Course Outline for the specific course outcomes being evaluated. Then verify documents uploaded align and support all of the Official Course Outcomes.
BYP credit may be awarded for learning attained through documented, valid academic or equivalent work experience, including professional certification or licensing, portfolio evaluation and the completion of a formal training program. Formal training programs include hospital-based and corporate education for which requisite knowledge, skills and competencies are documented.
All BYP credit requests are routed through the Associate Dean's office, which will assign appropriate faculty or program managers to review and make a recommendation for awarding credit. General Studies (GS) courses are an exception as they are routed through a campus Academic Success Dean.
BYP Credit Awarding Procedure
- Students must complete a Request of Credit for Prior Learning Form. Students are permitted to request By-Pass Credit for a specific course only once and should meet with an academic counselor, program manager or faculty coordinator for additional assistance.
- Students must submit the form and supporting documentation and rationale for verification and processing. Examples of documentation include:
- Postsecondary academic experience: Official transcript (if from a non-regionally accredited school)
- Equivalent work experience: Written description of work experience and letter from the employer
- Current licensure or certification: Copy of the current license or certificate
- Portfolio-based information: Determined by the academic department
* The appropriate School Dean's office will make copies of the student’s supporting documentation and will return originals to the student at the time of receipt.
- The appropriate Associate Dean's office will identify the appropriate faculty, program manager or program director to review the application and supporting documentation. They will then make a recommendation on credits to be awarded.
- The appropriate School Dean's office will review the faculty recommendation and sign off on credit to be awarded. Students will be notified of the decision via their Tri-C email address. If BYP credit is approved, students must pay the appropriate fees ($50 per course) through Admissions and Financial Services.
- The Office of the Registrar will notify students via their Tri-C email when the credit is posted to their academic record.
Preapproved Certifications Eligible for BYP Credit:
A+ = EET-1015, 1035, 1055 (or IT-2740)
Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) = IT-2720
Child Development Associate Certificate (CDA) = ECED-1340, 1860, 2601
Linux+ = ITNT-2380
Microsoft MO-110 or MO-100 = BT-1150
Microsoft MO-111 or MO-101 = BT-2200
Microsoft MO-210 or MO-200 = BT-1700
Microsoft MO-211 or MO-201 = BT-2700
Microsoft MO-310 or MO-300 = BT-2211
Microsoft MO-500 = BT-2300
Network+ = ITNT-2300
Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) by NCCA = SES-2300
Group Exercise or Fitness Instructor Certification by NCCA = SES-2320
120 hours experience in fitness industry = SES-2840
NBHWC Certification = SES-2500
Preapproved Certifications Eligible for Industry-Recognized Transfer Assurance Guides (ITAGs):
Cisco Certified Technician Routing and Switching (CCT) = EET-1303
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) = EET-1303, 2303 and 2313
CompTIA Security+ = ITNT-2370
ASE Automotive and Light Truck Certification = AUTO-1101
Siemens SCE Certification in Automation and Certificate in Advanced Automation = EET-2520
Rockwell Automation Studio 5000 Logix Programmer Certificate = EET-2520
Mitsubishi Electric PLC & HMI = EET-2520
Autodesk Certified Associate in Inventor for Mechanical Design = MET-2041
Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate in Mechanical Design = MET-2041
Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional in Mechanical Design = MET-2041
Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) = NURS-1000, 1010, 1200, 1220 and 1240
ServSafe® Manager Certification = HOSP-1020
Ohio EMT Certification = EMT-1320 and EMT-130L
Ohio AEMT Certification = EMT-1320 and EMT-130L
Ohio Paramedic or National Registry EMT Certification = EMT-1320 and EMT-130L
National Registry AEMT Certification = EMT-1320 and EMT-130L
National Registry Paramedic Certification = EMT-1320 and EMT-130L
Ohio Paramedic Certification = EMT-1310, EMT-2330, EMT-2340, EMT-2350, EMT-2360,
and EMT-2371
National Registry Paramedic Certification = EMT-1310, EMT-2330, EMT-2340, EMT-2350, EMT-2360, and EMT-2371
*There is no fee for ITAG-awarded credit.
**Send a copy of the certificate or credentials directly to the Office of the Registrar to receive ITAG credit. Visit the Tri-C ITAG webpage for more information.