FYE Faculty Recruitment
What is FYE?
The First Year Experience (FYE) is the umbrella title given to a series of interrelated experiences designed for all new degree-seeking students at Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C®). These activities help students build connections and support systems that encourage completion. They promote deeper engagement and investment in experiences that promote learning and help students acquire the skills and habits they need for a career.
The FYE program provides faculty and staff a unique opportunity to engage first year students in a classroom setting. You will have the opportunity to teach outside of the confines of a traditional course and programmatic structures, and to form immediate, lasting bonds with entering students. It is a teaching experience that is fun and challenging to even the most seasoned faculty member. You will discover the impact you make on our new students and just how much your work matters!
The FYE program is customized to each student’s individual needs and may include the following:
- New Student Orientation
- First Year Success Seminar
- Career Exploration
Why teach a GEN 1070 course?
- Your course will establish a foundation for your students to succeed and to excel
- Your course will impart habits that encourage students to be lifelong learners
- You will impact a life and, as such, the very future of the global community
- You will have the opportunity to create and teach thematic FYE sections
The benefits and incentives of teaching an FYE course are:
- Faculty training and course design support
- Easy and accessible Blackboard site
- The use of the Challengers Guide as a tool and textbook (online included)
- One ESU per course section to teach the First Year Success Seminar
- Additional service credit available for training and development activities
Required Qualifications for teaching an FYE Course include:
- Master’s degree or higher in any subject area
- Experience and interest in teaching/promoting student success
- Minimum of one year experience teaching in an online or blended environment
- Belief that individuals can make a difference in the lives of students
- Ability to adapt to dynamic multi-campus organizational work environments
- Understanding and embracing the mission of the community college
Next Steps:
If you are currently an adjunct or full-time faculty member, please reach out to the FYE Coordinator on your campus:
- Terry Webb, Ph.D., Metropolitan Campus
- Courtney Clarke, Ph.D., Western Campus
- Colleen Clark-Sutton, Eastern Campus
- Claire McMahon, Ph.D., Westshore Campus
If you would like to become an adjunct assigned to teach FYE, please submit an application.