Faculty and Staff Services

The Career Center values our partnership with faculty and staff and strives to increase collaboration, which will enhance student success. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to empower students in reaching their career goals. The Career Center is the resource for you and your students’ career development needs. See the list below for just a few examples of ways in which we can collaborate, and reach out to the Career Center at careerservices@tri-c.edu with any questions.
Classroom Presentations
Interested in having a Career Center staff member connect with your students during your class, facilitate a workshop, or embed a career-related assignment into your curriculum? Use the following link to make your request: https://forms.gle/cMHS6m5vu8VLfT4A8
Handshake is the Career Center’s online career management system and is a student’s one-stop-shop for a multitude of different Career Center resources and tools, including:
- Schedule a one-on-one appointment with a Career Coach, whether in-person or virtual
- Find and register for events that are hosted by the Career Center, and other career-related events hosted by local employers
- Find and apply for internships, co-ops, full-time jobs, part-time jobs, and career opportunities that are specifically posted to Tri-C students
- Message directly with hiring managers at employers of interest
- Learn more about employers from peer reviews
- Upload a resume for quick asynchronous resume review comments
Interested in having your own Handshake account, so you can see what students see? This will give you access to see our entire, up-to-date events list, job and internship postings, and a lot more. Email careerservices@tri-c.edu with your request, s# and whether or not you’d like to be listed as faculty or staff, and we’ll get you set-up.
Experiential Learning & Job Shadow Partnership
The Career Center partners with several academic programs for required academic cooperative education, internships, field experiences, and more. The Career Center can assist with creating an MOU, helping students with finding qualified and eligible experiential learning opportunities, solidifying partnerships with employers who offer experiential learning, confirming student and employer information, information needed for registration, and more.
In addition to experiential learning, the Career Center can also partner with you on job shadow and informational interviews. These experiences for students are especially helpful during FYE and other gateway courses, when a student is being introduced to their major and would like a observational experience to confirm their career choice or to learn more about what types of careers are available to them. Consider making job shadow and/or informational interview a required component of your course; we can assist the student with finding the opportunity, connecting with the employer, and on the day-of, and then we can provide a detailed report regarding which of your students have completed job shadows and/or informational interviews.
Career Coach
Career Coach (https://tri-c.lightcastcc.com/) is our NEW career exploration platform. Utilize this resource to help perspective, current and graduated students or community members discover majors, in-demand careers, and programs that align with their interests. This is a simple-to-use tool that provides informative, user-friendly data that users can interact with to learn more about themselves, careers, and programs that fit.
Career Coach supports career exploration through:
- Interest assessment with simple, printable results
- Local career and employment data
- Tri-C Program information
- Resume Builder – creating a downloadable Word doc
Interested in the additional resources the Career Center can offer to students? Check out our one-page resource handout.
Hiring Events
If you currently host or are interested in hosting a hiring event for your students, consider collaborating with the Career Center. If you currently host an event, we can help to support your program in a variety of ways. If you’re interested in hosting a hiring event for your students, the employer relations team offers a variety of events and services to fit you and your employer partners’ needs. Take a moment to review our employer menu of services. The employer relations team is organized by academic pathway; for more information on your contact person, please visit our Meet the Team page.
Collaboration & Brainstorming
Interested in partnering with the Career Center, but not sure exactly how you’d like to collaborate? Please email us at careerservices@tri-c.edu to schedule a Career Center Consultation. A few ways that we can work together include, but are not limited to:
- Incorporate career development activities into your classroom assignments
- Develop experiential learning requirements and processes for your program
- Host career exploration events (bus tours, panels, classroom speakers, etc.) and/or hiring events (career fairs, interview days, recruiting tables, etc.) for your students that are specific to your program
- Help to connect your class with employers for real-world assignments
- Any additional way you might find beneficial to work together; even if you’re not sure how we can work together, we can meet to brainstorm with you
We look forward to working with you to help our students on their path to economic mobility!