Tri-C President Alex Johnson to Serve as Chair of AACC Board of Directors
Leadership role in national organization begins July 1
Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C®) President Alex Johnson will become chair of the American Association of Community Colleges board of directors and lead the 32-member panel for the 2019-2020 term.
The AACC is the primary advocacy organization for the nation’s community colleges. The association represents nearly 1,200 two-year institutions that collectively educate more than 12 million students — nearly half of the nation’s undergraduates.
The organization’s board of directors acts as a guiding force for member colleges, working to create and maintain a vision for AACC that sparks continued student achievement.
“The American Association of Community Colleges is fortunate to have Dr. Alex Johnson as its incoming board chair,” said Walter G. Bumphus, AACC president and CEO. “Dr. Johnson brings a wealth of experience to this important role, and over the next year he will work hand in hand with members of our board and me to continue advancing the legislative and programmatic priorities of our nation’s community colleges.”
Johnson has served as Tri-C president since 2013 and reshaped the student experience with a strong focus on access, retention and completion. Graduation numbers exceeded 4,400 last year — a record high — and continue to climb under his guidance.
In 2018, Johnson wrote a book on leadership — Change the Lapel Pin — that reflects his passion for developing leaders, educating students and building on the academic achievements seen at Tri-C.
He has earned numerous awards and recognition in a career spanning five decades. Prior to his current role at Tri-C, he was president of the Community College of Allegheny County in Pittsburgh and chancellor of Delgado Community College in New Orleans.
Johnson has served in numerous capacities with AACC, including being a member of the board and various committees and co-chair of the Implementation Committee for the Commission’s report “Reclaiming the American Dream.”
“I have seen again and again the tremendous impact community colleges have on lives and society,” Johnson said. “These institutions are at the forefront of degree attainment and workforce development in America. I am honored to serve as board chair to expand on this effort.”
Johnson’s term as chair of the board begins July 1. He succeeds Sandra Kurtinitis, president of the Community College of Baltimore County in Maryland.
April 25, 2019
John Horton, 216-987-4281