Tri-C Foundation Honors David Whitehead and Lorna Wisham for Distinguished Service
Two College advocates receive 2024 Heath Oliver Distinguished Director Award

The Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C®) Foundation board of directors awarded its 2024 Heath Oliver Distinguished Director Award to two recipients for the first time.
David Whitehead and Lorna Wisham received the award during the nonprofit organization’s annual meeting in June.
"Both David and Lorna exhibit passion for access to education and exert extraordinary effort to ensure the continued support of the Tri-C Foundation, the College and our students," said Pat Pastore, the chairperson of the Tri-C Foundation board. "We are fortunate to have two outstanding leaders and advocates to recognize this year."
Whitehead served on the College board of trustees from 2006 to 2016 and was board chair twice (2009-2012 and 2015-2016). He joined Tri-C Foundation board in 2014. The retired FirstEnergy executive personally contributes to Tri-C scholarship funds — notably the Women in Transition Scholarship Fund, the Gloria Moosmann Endowed Scholarship Fund, the Owen L. Heggs Memorial Scholarship Fund and the Daphne Darleen Johnson Veterinary Technology Scholarship Fund. He resides in Solon.
"He always holds Tri-C in his heart and the College’s priorities at the top of his mind," Pastore said. "He is a valued advisor and mentor on many aspects of fundraising and the local community, with a wealth of knowledge and experience that we have all benefited from."
Wisham joined the board in 2006 and has served as a board vice chair since 2020 and a Development Committee member since 2006. She has ensured continued and responsive support from FirstEnergy for critical programs, including training partnerships, work readiness funds for students, Access Centers and Utility Resource Assistance Fairs. She resides in Beachwood.
"When Tri-C students have a need, Lorna answers the call," Tri-C Foundation President Megan O’Bryan said. "Lorna has been a steadfast supporter and leader of the Tri-C Foundation for the past 18 years, and we are very grateful for her service."
The Heath Oliver Distinguished Director Award was established in memory of Heath Oliver, a longtime Foundation board director and president of Bardons & Oliver. He was a member of the Foundation board from 1988 until his death in 2009. Under his leadership, scholarships for Tri-C students became a fundraising priority, the Foundation successfully launched its first major gifts campaign, and Presidential Scholarship Luncheons raised significant dollars to benefit students.
June 27, 2024
MEDIA CONTACT: Anthony Moujaes, 216-987-3068 or