Youth Programming

Black Rocket Virtual STEM Classes
The magic comes alive in every student when they are empowered to be as creative as they were born to be! Black Rocket has 20 years of experience designing courses in the science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) fields. Every program is powered by the child's innate imagination and designed to bring their ideas to life in a fun, hands-on learning environment.
Software must be installed prior to the first day of camp. The Black Rocket team can assist with downloading and setting up your software and engine files. Visit
Battle Royale: Make Your First Fortnite-Style Video Game
Calling all Fortnite fans! Learn how to use professional 3D game development software to build levels and assets inspired by popular battle royale games like Fortnite and others. Students can participate in Esports League matches against other schools across the country, with a chance to have their levels featured in the Black Rocket master build of the game! Projects and activities feature cartoonish action and battle sequences. Student-created games will be available on a password-protected Black Rocket website* to share with friends and family.
*64-bit operating system required. Compatible with Mac and Windows OS only.
Ages: 8-14 | Cost: $179
Dates | Time | Days | Location | CRN |
March 5 – April 9 | 9:30-11:30 a.m. | Sa | Virtual | 34313 |
March 21 – April 13 | 6:30-8 p.m. | M, W | Virtual | 34314 |
March 22 – April 14 | 4:30-6 p.m. | T, Th | Virtual | 34321 |
Code Your Own Adventure: Interactive Storytelling
Watch your imagination come to life in this unique camp that blends classic storytelling with animation techniques and coding. Start with a concept, design the characters and choose not just one ending, but many! Learn how to create your own text-based adventure games with variables, conditional logic, images, HTML, CSS and Twine scripting syntax. Student projects will be available on a password-protected Black Rocket website* to share with friends and family.
*Compatible with Mac, Windows and Chrome OS.
Ages: 8-14 | Cost: $179
Dates | Time | Days | Location | CRN |
Jan. 24 – Feb. 16 | 4:30-6 p.m. | M, W | Virtual | 34305 |
Cyber Spies
With the world’s increased reliance on digital data, cybersecurity is more important than ever. In this course, you are all that stands between world peace and a group of international hackers launching cyberattacks. Through a series of challenges, you will learn to apply tools used by professional digital forensics teams to crack codes and use encryption. Working in teams, you will collect clues, recover lost data and explore the tools of the trade. Become the next great cyber spy!
Ages: 8-14 | Cost: $179
Dates | Time | Days | Location | CRN |
April 11-14 | 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. | M-Th | Virtual | 34466 |
April 18-21 | 1:30-4:30 p.m. | M-Th | Virtual | 34467 |
Minecraft Club
Join kids around the country in our Creator Corps Community of Minecraft maniacs who play and create together. Have fun playing Minecraft and learning new tricks from our Minecraft Masters. One of our coaches will teach a new technique and challenge to the club each week and let you show off your skills.
Ages: 8-14 | Cost: $89
Dates | Time | Days | Location | CRN |
Jan. 28 – March 4 | 7-8 p.m. | F | Virtual | 34320 |
Minecraft Designers
Love Minecraft? Always wanted to design your own world? Then this camp is for you! Learn how to create a custom map, use new software to master the basics of 3D modeling, build with redstone and command blocks, and create custom textures to import at home or share with friends. Participants must own a Java version of Minecraft.* Parent/guardian email address required to use 3D modeling software.
*Compatible with Mac and Windows OS only. Tablet, phone and game console versions incompatible.
Ages: 8-14 | Cost: $179
Dates | Time | Days | Location | CRN |
April 11-14 | 1:30-4:30 p.m. | M-Th | Virtual | 34325 |
April 18-21 | 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. | M-Th | Virtual | 34326 |
Minecraft Redstone Engineers
Become a true redstone engineer! Expand your redstone knowledge by constructing your own carnival with a variety of mini-games, roller coasters and attractions powered by redstone. Learn how to incorporate command and structure blocks into your builds. Activate your skills and take your Minecraft structures to the next level. Participants must own a Java version of Minecraft.*
*Compatible with Mac and Windows OS only. Tablet, phone and game console versions incompatible.
Ages: 8-14 | Cost: $179
Dates | Time | Days | Location | CRN |
Feb. 21 – March 16 | 4:30-6 p.m. | M, W | Virtual | 34309 |
Feb. 22 – March 17 | 4:30-6 p.m. | T, Th | Virtual | 34310 |
March 5 – April 9 | Noon – 2 p.m. | Sa | Virtual | 34469 |
Pokémon Masters: Designers and 3D Makers Unite!
Use your Pokémon imagination to bring your ideas to life. Begin by creating your own digital Pokémon-style custom playing card game. Progress into designing action figures, jewelry and toys using professional modeling software. Learn how to prepare a model for 3D printing, and create a design portfolio to showcase your work! No prior experience necessary. Designs will be available on a password-protected Black Rocket website* to share with friends and family.
*Compatible with MAC and Windows OS only.
Ages: 8-14 | Cost: $179
Dates | Time | Days | Location | CRN |
Jan. 24 – Feb. 16 | 6:30-8 p.m. | M, W | Virtual | 34307 |
Jan. 25 – Feb. 17 | 4:30-6 p.m. | T, Th | Virtual | 34308 |
Python Programmers
Want to learn the world's fastest-growing programming language favored by Google, NASA, YouTube and the CIA? Learn how to create engaging apps and games with Python.* Step-by-step lessons prepare you to challenge friends with the fun content you create yourself — from start to finish!
*Compatible with MAC and Windows OS only.
Ages: 8-14 | Cost: $179
Dates | Time | Days | Location | CRN |
Jan. 22 – Feb. 26 | 9:30-11:30 a.m. | Sa | Virtual | 34297 |
Jan. 25 – Feb. 17 | 6:30-8 p.m. | T, Th | Virtual | 34298 |
Roblox Club
Are you an avid Roblox player and creator? Join us to play mini-games with one of our Roblox coaches and make new friends in a safe and fun environment.
Ages: 8-14 | Cost: $89
Dates | Time | Days | Location | CRN |
March 11 – April 15 | 7-8 p.m. | F | Virtual | 34465 |
Roblox Makers
Unlock the power of Roblox® Studio, the world creation tool used by real Roblox developers! Learn how to build 3D models and create an adventure in your Roblox world. Bring characters to life with unique animations you design. Student-created projects will be available on a password-protected Black Rocket website* to share with friends and family.
*Compatible with Mac and Windows OS only.
Ages: 8-14 | Cost: $179
Dates | Time | Days | Location | CRN |
Feb. 21 – March 16 | 6:30-8 p.m. | M, W | Virtual | 34311 |
Feb. 22 – March 17 | 6:30-8 p.m. | T, Th | Virtual | 34312 |
March 5 – April 9 | 9:30-11:30 a.m. | Sa | Virtual | 34316 |
Young Authors
Develop your own story from start to finish, ending with your own published softcover book! Learn about plot development and character creation, review literary techniques and perform self-expression activities including illustration, dialogue and more. Typing support provided.*
*Compatible with MAC, Windows and Chrome OS.
Ages: 8-12 | Cost: $189
Dates | Time | Days | Location | CRN |
Jan. 8-29 | Noon – 2 p.m. | Sa | Virtual | 34317 |
YouTube Content Creators
Find your voice and leave your mark on the world! Explore the variety of content and personalities that
exist on YouTube and discover how to find your niche. Learn the do’s and don’ts of the platform and how to practice good digital citizenship. Develop your on-camera presence, channel branding and professional editing skills. Take home a plan for launching your channel with the content you create. Student projects will be available on a password-protected Black Rocket website* to share with friends and family.
*Webcam required. Compatible with Mac and Windows OS only.
Ages: 8-14 | Cost: $179
Dates | Time | Days | Location | CRN |
Jan. 22 – Feb. 26 | 9:30-11:30 a.m. | Sa | Virtual | 34304 |
Jan. 22 – Feb. 26 | Noon – 2 p.m. | Sa | Virtual | 34303 |
YouTube FX Masters
In the digital age, nothing is impossible! Become a master of illusion by learning the techniques used by Hollywood masters to create FX magic. Whether you want to enhance your YouTube videos or create a cool scene to amaze your friends, this camp will give you the tools you need. Experiment with visual effects as you learn the dynamics of camera angles, editing, graphic layering and sound effects. Then watch as your creations take your channel to the next level! Student projects will be available on a password-protected Black Rocket website* to share with friends and family.
*Webcam and 64-bit operating system required. Compatible with Mac and Windows OS only.
Ages: 8-14 | Cost: $179
Dates | Time | Days | Location | CRN |
March 5 – April 9 | Noon – 2 p.m. | Sa | Virtual | 34322 |
March 21 – April 13 | 4:30-6 p.m. | M, W | Virtual | 34323 |
March 22 – April 14 | 6:30-8 p.m. | T, Th | Virtual | 34324 |